Ways to Not Pull Your Hair Out During Quarantine with Your Family

Ring the Bell Realty • March 18, 2020
  • Board Games – It may seem simple, but it is still quickly forgotten. Maybe you have a family member that hates board games, but try to persuade them if you can, so everyone can be apart of the fun.
  •  Take turns on Picking Movies – It’s easy to just watch TV all day, but try to limit this to being a special time of day activity for everyone. Don’t forget to take turns on who picks in the family.
  • Go Outside – That doesn’t particularly mean go to parks or other public places. It more so means enjoying your own yard and patio area. There is beauty in the small things, like fresh air.
  • Do small home improvements/cleaning projects – Well, we are a Real Estate firm, you knew this was going to be in here. Take the time to do the small projects you didn’t have the time to do before. Whether it be cleaning, sprucing up, or painting the bathroom. Use this time to your advantage of investing in your home.
  • Gardening – Having your own garden, whether it be flowers or vegetables/fruits, indoor or outdoor, has many benefits. It keeps the mind busy and after all idle hands make fretful minds.
  • Never underestimate the power of Bubbles, Puzzles, and Nerf Guns – Enough said.
  • Read! – Take some quiet time amongst yourselves and just read.

Of course, at all times please abide by all local, state, federal and CDC health and safety guidelines during this time.

We, at Ring the Bell, wish you and your family the best and good health during this time. Ring the Bell Realty is still always available by phone (especially now) for any and all your real estate needs.
Although this may be a huge pain in the butt for everyone, try to think of this as a long overdue home retreat with the ones you love the most.


Stay Healthy Everyone!

-Kayla Bell, Ring the Bell Realty

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